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It takes one person to create a lasting change in the life of a  child. $30 monthly donation will give a child access to life-changing educational opportunities, enhance health/sanitation, life skills, protection and more. 

At LINK-UP, we believe, empowering children would break the vicious cycle of poverty for themselves, their families, community and the next generation.                                                                                                     Sponsor Destiny today

Name of child: Destiny:  I.D. N0. LU/NC/04/22

Waiting for sponsorship: 45 days

Family monthly income: $20.00

Gender: Female

Age: 7 years

Lives with: Mother

Language: English

School: Yes, 

Class: 4

Status: Internally Displaced Person (IDP)


The is Destiny, a 7 years old child who lives with her single mother, an internally displaced person who ran with her 3 children from the fighting zone of the armed conflict, to a safer zone within the conflict area.  This made her loose her little means of subsistence and livelihood in her previous village of residence.

They live five of them in two small rooms in a semi permanent structure. She has been struggling with her and her siblings without any permanent source of income. She depends on subsistence farming and is in greet need of assistance in the education of her child.