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How to effectively become a child sponsor. (Distant Guardian Parent)
You need to express your interest by contacting the organization, fill a form providing your details, the description of the age and other characteristics of the child you would like to assist and your motivation.

You will then be placed on the list of waiting sponsors. While waiting, you are required to make a donation. This donation will contribute in offsetting the cost of data collection and processing of the child’s information. This includes background checks,  Needs Assessment and a Social Inquiry Report. Based on the identified needs of the child, the sponsor will be advised on the best offer to make for the child.

Our core strategy is to promote Home Based Care through Child Sponsorship and Guardian Care Services that may or may not lead to adoption.

A Distant Guardian Parent is a Child Sponsor who commits to assisting a child within a host family.

Once you agree to be sponsor a child, a memorandum of understanding (MOU) will be signed with LINK-UP.

Quarterly or yearly feedback is provided, on the progress of the child.

Group Sponsorship;
Group Assistance targets, a group of vulnerable children in a given locality, based on their identified needs. Such as School Fees, Bursaries, Textbooks, Writing Materials, Uniforms, Birth Certificates etc.

These could be done as a one time Project, or a yearly Project to such children in the same or different localities. These are mostly children without direct sponsors.

We target and support as many children as possible based on the number of Sponsors and Guardians available.

The sponsor will receive a yearly progress report on the child. The Children who attend other schools, than the Government, may require higher amounts.
As a child sponsor, or a guardian parent, you are eligible to be nominated or voted to the Board.

Remember, you can help to change the life of a child, nor matter how small the action, If done at the right time and with love.