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It takes one person to create a lasting change in the life of a  child. $30 monthly donation will give a child access to life-changing educational opportunities, enhance health/sanitation, life skills, protection and more. 

At LINK-UP, we believe, empowering children would break the vicious cycle of poverty for themselves, their families, community and the next generation.                                                                                                     Sponsor Caroline today

Name of child: Caroline N0. LU\NC\08\22

Sex: Female                             Age: 14 years

Sponsorship type: Home care

Class: class 5

School: Catholic School (C.S) Tole

Status: Internally Displaced Person (IDP)

Waiting for sponsorship: 2 months

Family income: $9.00

Lives with: Guardian

Language: English

                                         HER STORY

She is a 14 years internally displaced child  due to the ongoing conflict. The lives with her mother and seven siblings in a two rooms temporary shelter after running to an unknown destination safety. Her father has died and the mother is a struggling farmer with an income of less than 10,000 frs ($20) per month. This makes it very difficult for her to sponsor I and my siblings in school and provide for the entire family. 

Due to the conflict, she has lost four years of schooling  and lives with a care giver.

I her own words, “Please I need a sponsor to continue with my education”