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Name:  RUTH

Child ID #: LU/NC/01/22

Waiting for sponsorship: 83 days

Family monthly income: $24.00

Family monthly income: $24.00

Gender: Female

Age: 11 years


Lives with: Parents

Language: English

Status: Internally Displaced Child (IDP)


The father of Ruth is an internally displaced person running to safety from the waring forces of the conflict in the English speaking region of Cameroon. He lost his sources of livelihood in this process. 

His current source of income is from plucking tea, from a partially functional Tea Estate which earns him an average of 15,000frs ($30) per month, and has four children and a grand child to care for. 

In his own words, “I am still in this estate because of free accommodation. Life is really hard for me but I want her to be educated and become better than me”.