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 Name of child: Esther’s  ID.  N0. LU/NC/02/22

Sex: Female                                   

Age: 12 years

Sponsorship type: Home care 

Class: class 6

Status: Internally Displaced Person (IDP)

Waiting for sponsorship: 3 months

Family income: $16

Lives with: Parents

Language: English


This child is a victim of domestic abuses by her aunt who asked to live with and educate her. But unfortunately she didn’t send the child to school and got her to be selling hard liquor “AFOFO”|  … making the child to work nonstop from morning to night and  exposing  her to all sorts of Men.

Due to this situation, her mother, a destitute IDP was informed of the precarious situation under which her child is living and she did the right thing by withdraw the child from that situation.

The child is currently traumatized and is isolating herself a lot. But the mother and the others are helping to get her de-traumatized by playing of card games and always ensuring that, she is not allowed to be lonely. …

Her mother the main bread winner of the family has lost her business due to the conflict and is struggling to rebuild but needs some capital.

In her own words, “I am unable to pay her school fees because my income is very small. The crisis has brought me down and I have lost so many things that would have helped me to take care of her education. I really want her to be educated”.