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It takes one person to create a lasting change in the life of a  child. $30 monthly donation will give a child access to life-changing educational opportunities, enhance health/sanitation, life skills, protection and more. 

At LINK-UP, we believe, empowering children would break the vicious cycle of poverty for themselves, their families, community and the next generation.                                                                                                     Sponsor Bertrand today 

Name of child: Bertrand N0. LU\NC\11\22


Age: 12 years

Sponsorship type: Home care

Class: class 5

Status: Internally Displaced Person (IDP)

Waiting for sponsorship: 3 months

Family income: $18.00

Lives with: Uncle

Language: English

                                         HIS STORY

He is a 12 years old internally displaced child. He liwith his uncle who has been caring for him from a baby. He used to be a prosperous cocoa farmer in one of the remote villages – Kwakwa, but due to the ongoing fighting and killings, he had to run away with the children in his care, including Bertrand. 

Their home and other properties were burnt this is why they ran to this safer location and are living by the grace of God and unable to educate the children in his care. Bertrand desperately needs a sponsor.